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April 27, 2011`
Regular Meeting
April 27, 2011

The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli and Rick McCowan.  Jim LaChance was absent

Discussion on the Public Hearing for Proposed Zoning Changes

Tom apologized to the public for having to cancel the regular meeting last week. The discussion on the zoning will take place tonight.

Mark said he felt it was apparent during the April 13 public hearing that the board failed to present a convincing argument for re-zoning the areas on Worcester Rd., Redemption Rock Trail, and Hubbardston Road currently built out as residential. Rick said he believes it’s the right thing to do for the town and will make business more viable.  Tom noted that during the Master Plan process it became evident some areas would need to be re-zoned in order to maintain the rural character and avoid the possibility of a strip mall. Jerry said he does not have a strong feeling either way, though he believed the rationale for proposing the changes made sense.

Sean Conway, 5 Hickory Dr. said he appreciates the board’s work, however would like to see more people be involved in the process and notified ahead of time of proposed changes, particularly property owners directly affected.  The general consensus of the public was that the proposed changes would have a negative affect on the livelihood of property owners. Kathy Conway, 90 Mirick Road, asked the board to consider tabling the changes for this particular warrant.
Mark moved to remove all zoning articles from the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Jerry seconded. Three in favor, one opposed (3-1).

Kyle Zelley asked the board to look into changing the zoning for property he owns on Hubbardston Road from residential to business.  Spot zoning is not allowed. The board may discuss further during a future meeting on re-zoning.

Tom read a letter for the record from Christopher Knuth regarding the proposed changes.

Annual Town Meeting – Article Presentation

Tom will present the Post Office Place article at the Annual Town Meeting.

New Business

Rick moved to have Jerry as representative to the CMRPC, attend the annual dinner. Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant